Monday, September 29, 2008

NW NSW Chapter - Activities Updates Sept 2008

1. 17 August 2008. Several riders and wives travelled from Tamworth to Muswellbrook and met up with some MMAA members from Sydney and the Central Coast. They had a long lunch in Muswellbrook, the obvious chat regarding motorcycles etc and some discussion regarding the 2009 AGM in Queanbeyan. (see photos in website gallery).

2. Sunday 20/9 a number of MMAA & friends had a social ride from Tamworth to Ginger's Creek (on the Oxley H'way between Port MacQuarie & Tamworth) lunch there and reurn ride to Tamworth. About 15 bikes with some pillions took part. Another successful ride.

3. On Saturday night, 27/9 the North West Chapter held a 40's, 50's & 60's dance night at the local Police Citzens Youth Club as a fund raiser for the PCYC and an awareness night for the MMAA. The Masons in Tamworth have a very long association with the PCYC over many, many years which is a great community based organisation. In 2007/8 we (The Lodges of Tamworth) raised $16,000 (out of a required $20,000 for the kitchen fit-out) and donated that amount to providing a full kitchen to the PCYC, which has enabled them to run a number of programs for the homeless youth of this area. These programs are still running now.

A great night was had by all attending (about 70 or so), plenty of social activity, dancing to a live band and the MMAA provided a light supper (bbq, salads etc etc) with coffee/ tea and dessert thrown in. We charged $15 per head with a byog & nibblies for the night.

The night was, most importantly, a fund raiser the the PCYC to assist in covering some expenses the club had incurred in purchasing some much needed steel storage shelving etc for the various in-club activities. As a result we raised $1221.00 on the night and after expenses (food & band) we were able to donate to the PCYC the sum of $500. Together with this was a further sum of $338.00 which had been the proceeds of various bbq days run by the Lodges since January. So the total of $838.00 was handed to Paul Stevenson, PCYC Manager at Tamworth. He then spoke of the great alliance the PCYC has with the Masons in Tamworth and thanked the MMAA for providing the money. The MMAA here has pledged it's fund raising to the PCYC for 2008 which is a great cause to be involved in.

4. Sun 28/9 Bi-monthly meeting held with a couple of dusty heads from Saturday night's ride following the meeting, everyone had things on. Next meeting 30/11.