Members and friends of the MMAA Vic Chapter attended the 2nd Annual "Wombat's Wish" ride in honour of the late Greg "Wombat" Currie, owner of the Geelong Harley-Davidson dealership. Wombat's Wish is a charity dedicated to assisting bereaved children living with grief following the loss of a parent. Some of the services provided by Wombat's wish include camps and after school care, as well as grief counselling and support for children. The MMAA were pleased to be able to present the organisers with a cheque for $3,500 to assist them in these activities. This is a great charity that we are very proud to be a part of and we are very grateful that Freemasons Victoria matched our fundraising dollar for dollar. It was particularly pleasing to note that our organisation was the largest single contributor, especially considering that there were many other clubs in attendance. Approximately 300 bikes attended the 'poker-run' ride, which started in Geelong, travelled to Inverleigh for lunch and presentation and then back to Geelong. Ten riders and one pillion attended, representing the MMAA. We had an excellent ride and were escorted through the greater Geelong area by members of the Victorian Police Force. We even received a new application for membership from a participant at the event -John "POLAK" Liberman.
Well done Vic Chapter and special thanks to "MAL" Hurst who organised our attendance and GL's $ for $ contribution for our donation, and also for his own personal contribution. Thanks also to National Chapter for supporting our presence by way of a donation. Great work everyone!