Wednesday, January 27, 2010

National Rally - Young, N.S.W. 25 January 2010

The 8th National Rally was held in Young, NSW, with members arriving at the Young Tourist Caravan Park on Saturday 23rd, departing Tuesday 26th. The AGM was held at the Young Masonic Centre on Monday 25th, which enabled our members from Tamworth to attend after their Music Festival had completed.

Victorian Chapter members met with the Tasmanian Chapter members as they disembarked from the Spirit of Tasmania Ferry in Port Melbourne on the Saturday morning, and with Chris Packham (Vic Chapter Road Captain) leading the group, we travelled to Young without incident, but with several fuel stops enabling us to aquaint ourselves.

The majority of Sydney and Central Coast Chapter members also rode down to Young on the Saturday and several others arrived on the Sunday. Shane (Shorn) Mathies rode down from Toowoomba and was there when we arrived, with a fridge full of coldies awaiting us.

Wendy & Trev Capararo rode down on the Sunday and immediately went to work organising the BBQ, which was held that night. Our thanks to them both for their superb efforts in providing the food and some beverages on behalf of their NW NSW Chapter. A couple of local Masons also graced us with their presence at the barbie and I was pleased to see that one of them won the wine raffle.

The AGM was well attended and the elected officers are as follows:-
National President - Michael Lampadarios
National Vice President - Roger Coates
National Secretary / Treasurer - Terry Webster
National Road Captain - Gary Duff
National Communications Officer - Tony Bruce-Mullins
National Membership / Merchandise Officer - Mal Hurst

I would sincerely like to thank Dot Marshall for her exemplary efforts and dilligence in performing her duties as National Secretary / Treasurer over the past years. I am sure that I will be pestering her in the first few months, should I have need of her knowledge and experience, as I take on her duties and responsibilities.

Mal Hurst is a recent addition to our Association who has proven his ability to raise our profile and with him as Membership & Merchandise Officer, I'm sure that we will quickly see positive moves ahead.

Tony Bruce-Mullins has graciously accepted the role of Communications Officer and through him we may look forward to quarterly newsletters with a range of information on activities and events throughout the various States.

To those who attended our get-together, thank you for making the effort. It was great catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. Victorian Chapter will be hosting the 2011 National Rally and details wil be forthcoming as to suggested venues and dates in the next few months.

Till we meet again.....

Terry Webster
National Secretary.

Friday, January 1, 2010



Fellow Brethren, Members, Associates and Friends.
Firstly like to wish you all a very Happy New Year; and wish you all those things you desire and wish for yourself and family.
May you make 2010 a better your for you and your family and for those who come into contact with you thought this coming year.
May you when you’re on the road, stay safe, sit square, ride on the level, stay upright and arrive home safely to you loved ones.
The year 2009 commenced promising much, new committee new Endeavour and much enthusiasm. In many respects this was achieved. We can see from the south many new members have come to the MMAA well done to the hard work in recruiting by a committee members down south. The association is growing and developing. The AGM this year is being organized by our Brothers from the North West in NSW. Please pay your respect to the fine efforts that have been put in to organize what sound to be a fantastic weekend.
This year has seen some departures, and I would like to say thanks to outgoing ex Sydney Chapter president Basil Freedman, and thank him on behalf of all members for the effort and contribution he made whilst he was a member of the MMAA. I wish him well in his new direction.
It is said that no one likes change, and this year was no exception. There are many changes occurring because we want them to change and we are controlling the changes and then there are the changes that occur around us that we have no control of; may I just say the more people are involved and embrace change and seek to submit their input the more everyone can embrace change and move forward together in the one direction.
The people who have put themselves out there to make things happen and try to create social activates for all to enjoy need and welcome your support and input.
From a communications point of view....Can I say and request.....That can every one reading this email today, make a resolution for 2010 that they will respond to any and all emails even if just to say they have received it. If not interested in a ride please say so. The people who try to organize just need input and response. Please to the right things and respond to their efforts, they are just trying to make it better for you.
Recently several of the MMAA members had a few rides in Sydney and Central Coast. We attended the annual Pink ribbon ride. It was out of Club Marconi...What an excellent day. Great fellowship great companions and it was also a very big welcome to Sandra and Chris.
This year saw the Sydney and Central Coast Chapter do a combined Ride to Bombala for an installation. Several Central Coast members have been to this particular lodge several times over the years and have kept regular contact with several bikes riding ex MMAA members. It is hoped that half a dozen members may rejoin the MMAA.
It was a great weekend and I personally look forward to actual seeking to put more of these into my calendar. I am aware we have fellow brethren who are bike enthusiasts in many country regions and look forward to getting on a weekend away to support them when they have installations of a weekend.
So Brethren put the word out to all your old mates lets create a diary of events that any and all can go too. Even if only one or two can make it quite OK, what we need is information to post and invites to members to consider. Look forward to all members being more productive in communicating their activities.

Neal Gardiner
National Communications Officer MMAA Inc.