Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 27 Ride Day

We are having a ride to Wisemans Ferry on Sunday 27th March this will be a family day so bring the wife, kids, girlfriends and any friends, it will be a BYO.

I believe that Sydney chapter will also be having there AGM so please try and attend for a social gathering if wet leave the bike and come in the car thank you Gary Duff.

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Very Big Thank You to one and All


To all the members of the Masonic Motorcycle Association of Australia I wish to say a very big Thank You for your support and generosity since my husband had passed away.

The support shown by the Association has been overwhelming and now I know what the Freemason Organisation is all about and that is Charity towards man kind.

I am also proud of my father being a Freemason .

I and the boys can’t thank you enough for you support and generosity. To every signal member I say thank you.

Alexandra (Lampadarios) Skinner and  Jonas & Jackson Skinner.