Minutes of the Masonic Motorcycle Association of Australia Inc (MMAA)
National Rally held on Saturday 22 January 2005
National Rally held on Saturday 22 January 2005
The meeting was held in the South of the Mountain Lodge 190, Bombala, and commenced at 1.00pm.
Bombala - Paul Gimbert (Bombala President), Colin Groves, Alison Gimbert (Observer), Bernie Gimbert, Allan Talbot, Sharon Talbot (Observer), Kerry Barker, Kev Shortt & Wayne Douch
Central Coast/Sydney - Michael Lampadarios (National President), Chris Tickner, Graeme Williams, Cliff Hobson (Central Coast/Sydney President), Richard Black, Roger Keane, & Lynden Norgate
Victoria - Dot Marshall, Greg Marshall, Roger Coates & Grant Bates (who arrived late)
R Harlow (Membership Status & Chapter unknown at time of typing minutes….Secretary)
Bombala – Jack Southall, Peter Campbell, Steve Preston, & Matt Turner
Central Coast/Sydney – David Anthony
Victoria – Terry Webster (National Vice President), Ian Voerman (President Victoria), Glenda Coates & Chris Packham & Paul Dolan
Michael Lampadarios welcomed all members who were able to attend.
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting held on Saturday 24 January 2004 having been distributed by email and/or mailed were tabled.
Ausport re affiliation
Motorcycle Council of NSW Inc. re affiliation
United Grand Lodge of NSW
United Grand Lodge of NSW
Treasurers Report:
In the absence of David Anthony, Michael Lampadarios reported an income of approximately $2,150.00 which comprised membership, badges and other regalia monies. The bank balance as at 22/1/05 was reported as $895.00. The expenditure (the difference of the two) comprised badges, T shirts (old) and belt buckles. Michael also advised that an order for metal badges with square & compass had been placed but not yet received.
(In the absence of accurate figures the expenditure was estimated at $1,910.00 taking into account the bank balance as at 22/1/04 of $655.00….Secretary)
Michael advised that Membership Renewal Forms were sent via email however some had come back due to incorrect email addresses. Michael stressed it was important that the Membership Renewal Forms reflect the current address details for all renewing members to ensure an accurate database of members.
Moved: Cliff Hobson
Seconded: Lynden Norgate
“That the $25.00 MMAA Annual Members Fee be collected with $20.00 being forwarded to the National Body and $5.00 retained by the Chapter.” CARRIED
Moved: Cliff Hobson
Seconded: Michael Lampadarios
“That the above minute be rescinded.” CARRIED
United Grand Lodge of NSW
United Grand Lodge of NSW
Treasurers Report:
In the absence of David Anthony, Michael Lampadarios reported an income of approximately $2,150.00 which comprised membership, badges and other regalia monies. The bank balance as at 22/1/05 was reported as $895.00. The expenditure (the difference of the two) comprised badges, T shirts (old) and belt buckles. Michael also advised that an order for metal badges with square & compass had been placed but not yet received.
(In the absence of accurate figures the expenditure was estimated at $1,910.00 taking into account the bank balance as at 22/1/04 of $655.00….Secretary)
Michael advised that Membership Renewal Forms were sent via email however some had come back due to incorrect email addresses. Michael stressed it was important that the Membership Renewal Forms reflect the current address details for all renewing members to ensure an accurate database of members.
Moved: Cliff Hobson
Seconded: Lynden Norgate
“That the $25.00 MMAA Annual Members Fee be collected with $20.00 being forwarded to the National Body and $5.00 retained by the Chapter.” CARRIED
Moved: Cliff Hobson
Seconded: Michael Lampadarios
“That the above minute be rescinded.” CARRIED
Grant Bates suggested that the MMAA Victorian Chapter cancel their Incorporation status and advised that the Victorian Chapter would investigate this.
Grant also suggested a Membership Officer be elected and also that every Chapter collects their own funds for on forwarding.
Grant also suggested a Membership Officer be elected and also that every Chapter collects their own funds for on forwarding.
Moved: Alison Gimbert
Seconded: Grant Bates
“That the National Secretary be responsible for maintaining the records of all members and receiving the Annual Membership Fee direct from members by the invoicing of same. Chapters were to make their own arrangements to collect any other nominated fee above the Annual Membership Fee.” CARRIED
Those Chapters who wished to collect their own members’ $25.00 Annual Membership Fee and pass on directly to the National Secretary in one cheque were invited to do so.
Moved: Cliff Hobson
Seconded: Wayne Douch
“That the Treasurer reconcile the Annual Membership Fee to ensure members are financial and calculate what extra fee is due to bring all members in line with the new renewal “year end” date of 30/6/2005.” CARRIED
Presidents Reports:
National President:
Michael Lampadarios reported another successful year with a few new members.
Michael asked for recruiting strategies other than via the internet. Paul Gimbert suggested the ideas of Geoff Greaves re promotion and this was discussed.
Michael also suggested two areas of membership recruitment; Ausport and Motorcycle Council of NSW Inc. Letters received from both bodies were tabled and passed around to all members present.
Greg Marshall advised that the Victorian Masonic Motorcycle Association (VMMA) were aggressive by badgering prospective members and that was their main form of recruitment.
Michael advised that the MMAA National Website was linked to Masons Connect, Freemasons Motorcycle Club Netherlands, Bikers Den and virtually any motor cycle Website (even VMMA). Michael also advised that the Website was also linked with the Masonic Association of Canada and a new Chapter had been formed there consisting 20 members.
Allan Talbot advised that the Website did not appear to be updated on a regular basis. Michael responded that the Photo Gallery was very small (only 10mb) and was not updated on a regular basis but that Newsletters, Calendar Dates and Contacts were. Michael also advised that as Websites cost money it was important that the Association be financial.
Bombala President:
Paul Gimbert reported that only one ride had been organised and that Bombala membership totalled 13.
Paul advised that the Bombala Chapter were meeting monthly and had experienced difficulty in funding.
Paul wished to put an emphasis on Associate Member recruiting as some members were located some distance away which made it hard for attendance.
Paul felt 2005 would be a better year with more rides organised. Paul confirmed that members were consolidated and keeping strong as a Chapter.
Paul advised a ride calendar would be produced for all MMAA members.
Paul also advised that Bombala was trying to visit other Lodges and had adopted a “dress code” of blue shirt; string tie; black vest; (with badges/patches) and black pants. He advised it was hard to regulate a “dress code” for Associate Members.
Michael Lampadarios suggested that in his experience the white shirt was more acceptable for Lodge visits.
Greg Marshall advised that the VMMA had approached Grand Lodge of Victoria to get a ruling on a visiting “dress code”. Grand Lodge had advised it considered the white shirt; bow tie; black pants; (leather/jeans) and vest acceptable. Greg also advised the VMMA had a Travelling Warrant and were also performing Installations.
General Business:
Cliff Hobson advised that MMAA shirts and merchandise were on display.
Members were advised that future rides were being planned for March (to Young) and the Nabia Motorcycle Museum (on a date to be advised). The Anzac Day weekend was suggested for the Nabia Motorcycle Museum ride. The cost of the Nabia ride was $20.00 per head which included a BBQ dinner & BBQ breakfast together with admission to the museum and private collection. A ride to Coffs Harbour for Keith Reynolds Installation was also planned for the end of May.
Michael Lampadarios asked Chapters if they were happy to issue membership cards and this received a mixed response.
Michael also suggested a ride fee of $5.00 for all participants.
Michael suggested purchasing a Membership Program to monitor members’ details. It was recommended that free Databases be used first before spending any MMAA funds.
Wayne Douch advised that a dinner was organised for Sunday 23 January 2005 at the local Pizza restaurant at the conclusion of the National Rally Weekend and asked for an indication of those who would be able to attend.
Wayne also advised that any photos taken would be burned onto a CD and given to members on Sunday.
Election of Office Bearers:
Moved: Alison Gimbert
Seconded: Roger Coates
“That the MMAA be run and act like a National Body with a President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer or Secretary/Treasurer as its structure.” CARRIED
Moved: Grant Bates
Seconded: Roger Coates
“That Michael Lampadarios be elected President of the MMAA National Body for 2005.”
Moved: Grant Bates
Seconded: Paul Gimbert
“That Terry Webster be elected as Vice President of the MMAA National Body for 2005 (in absentia).” CARRIED
Moved: Michael Lampadarios
Seconded: Alison Gimbert
“That Dot Marshall be elected as Secretary of the MMAA National Body for 2005.”
Moved: Grant Bates
Seconded: Greg Marshall
“That Alison Gimbert be elected as Treasurer of the MMAA National Body for 2005.”
Alison Gimbert offered to write a Position Description for the National Secretary.
National Rally 2006:
Michael suggested the MMAA Central Coast/Sydney Chapter organise the AGM for 2006. The date suggested was 26 – 29/1/2006 (as Australia Day fell on the Thursday and the Friday could be taken as an Annual Leave day). The venue would be advised in due course.
Cliff Hobson suggested a proper Agenda be sent out prior to the next AGM 2006 together with a
Seconded: Grant Bates
“That the National Secretary be responsible for maintaining the records of all members and receiving the Annual Membership Fee direct from members by the invoicing of same. Chapters were to make their own arrangements to collect any other nominated fee above the Annual Membership Fee.” CARRIED
Those Chapters who wished to collect their own members’ $25.00 Annual Membership Fee and pass on directly to the National Secretary in one cheque were invited to do so.
Moved: Cliff Hobson
Seconded: Wayne Douch
“That the Treasurer reconcile the Annual Membership Fee to ensure members are financial and calculate what extra fee is due to bring all members in line with the new renewal “year end” date of 30/6/2005.” CARRIED
Presidents Reports:
National President:
Michael Lampadarios reported another successful year with a few new members.
Michael asked for recruiting strategies other than via the internet. Paul Gimbert suggested the ideas of Geoff Greaves re promotion and this was discussed.
Michael also suggested two areas of membership recruitment; Ausport and Motorcycle Council of NSW Inc. Letters received from both bodies were tabled and passed around to all members present.
Greg Marshall advised that the Victorian Masonic Motorcycle Association (VMMA) were aggressive by badgering prospective members and that was their main form of recruitment.
Michael advised that the MMAA National Website was linked to Masons Connect, Freemasons Motorcycle Club Netherlands, Bikers Den and virtually any motor cycle Website (even VMMA). Michael also advised that the Website was also linked with the Masonic Association of Canada and a new Chapter had been formed there consisting 20 members.
Allan Talbot advised that the Website did not appear to be updated on a regular basis. Michael responded that the Photo Gallery was very small (only 10mb) and was not updated on a regular basis but that Newsletters, Calendar Dates and Contacts were. Michael also advised that as Websites cost money it was important that the Association be financial.
Bombala President:
Paul Gimbert reported that only one ride had been organised and that Bombala membership totalled 13.
Paul advised that the Bombala Chapter were meeting monthly and had experienced difficulty in funding.
Paul wished to put an emphasis on Associate Member recruiting as some members were located some distance away which made it hard for attendance.
Paul felt 2005 would be a better year with more rides organised. Paul confirmed that members were consolidated and keeping strong as a Chapter.
Paul advised a ride calendar would be produced for all MMAA members.
Paul also advised that Bombala was trying to visit other Lodges and had adopted a “dress code” of blue shirt; string tie; black vest; (with badges/patches) and black pants. He advised it was hard to regulate a “dress code” for Associate Members.
Michael Lampadarios suggested that in his experience the white shirt was more acceptable for Lodge visits.
Greg Marshall advised that the VMMA had approached Grand Lodge of Victoria to get a ruling on a visiting “dress code”. Grand Lodge had advised it considered the white shirt; bow tie; black pants; (leather/jeans) and vest acceptable. Greg also advised the VMMA had a Travelling Warrant and were also performing Installations.
General Business:
Cliff Hobson advised that MMAA shirts and merchandise were on display.
Members were advised that future rides were being planned for March (to Young) and the Nabia Motorcycle Museum (on a date to be advised). The Anzac Day weekend was suggested for the Nabia Motorcycle Museum ride. The cost of the Nabia ride was $20.00 per head which included a BBQ dinner & BBQ breakfast together with admission to the museum and private collection. A ride to Coffs Harbour for Keith Reynolds Installation was also planned for the end of May.
Michael Lampadarios asked Chapters if they were happy to issue membership cards and this received a mixed response.
Michael also suggested a ride fee of $5.00 for all participants.
Michael suggested purchasing a Membership Program to monitor members’ details. It was recommended that free Databases be used first before spending any MMAA funds.
Wayne Douch advised that a dinner was organised for Sunday 23 January 2005 at the local Pizza restaurant at the conclusion of the National Rally Weekend and asked for an indication of those who would be able to attend.
Wayne also advised that any photos taken would be burned onto a CD and given to members on Sunday.
Election of Office Bearers:
Moved: Alison Gimbert
Seconded: Roger Coates
“That the MMAA be run and act like a National Body with a President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer or Secretary/Treasurer as its structure.” CARRIED
Moved: Grant Bates
Seconded: Roger Coates
“That Michael Lampadarios be elected President of the MMAA National Body for 2005.”
Moved: Grant Bates
Seconded: Paul Gimbert
“That Terry Webster be elected as Vice President of the MMAA National Body for 2005 (in absentia).” CARRIED
Moved: Michael Lampadarios
Seconded: Alison Gimbert
“That Dot Marshall be elected as Secretary of the MMAA National Body for 2005.”
Moved: Grant Bates
Seconded: Greg Marshall
“That Alison Gimbert be elected as Treasurer of the MMAA National Body for 2005.”
Alison Gimbert offered to write a Position Description for the National Secretary.
National Rally 2006:
Michael suggested the MMAA Central Coast/Sydney Chapter organise the AGM for 2006. The date suggested was 26 – 29/1/2006 (as Australia Day fell on the Thursday and the Friday could be taken as an Annual Leave day). The venue would be advised in due course.
Cliff Hobson suggested a proper Agenda be sent out prior to the next AGM 2006 together with a
Treasurers Report and Nomination Forms for 2006 Office Bearers attached.
There being no further business the meeting concluded at 3.30pm.
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