Minutes of the Masonic Motorcycle Association of Australia Inc (MMAA)National Rally held on Saturday 27 January 2007
Chairperson: Cliff Hobson
The meeting was held at the South Wagga Sports & Bowling Club, cnr Edward & Fitzhardinge Street, Wagga Wagga and commenced at 10.00am
Bombala – Alison Gimbert (National Treasurer); Paul Gimbert (Bombala President)
Central Coast / Sydney – CliffHobson (National & Central Coast/Sydney President); Basil Freedman; Phil Lye; Lynden Norgate.
Victoria – Chris Packham; Terry Webster (National Vice President); Greg Marshall; Dot Marshall (National Secretary); Grant Bates (Victoria President); Roger Coates (National Sergeant At Arms)
NSW– Wendy Capararo; Trevor Capararo; Robert Hendren; John Ivkovitch; with Observers – Janelle Lye; Virginie Norgate; Jonathan Ivkovitch
Bombala – Steven Southall; Allan Talbot; Bernie Gimbert
Central Coast/Sydney – Bojan Vizintin; Allan Mason Roger Keane; Gary Duff; Michael Lampadarios; Richard Black; Graeme Williams
Victoria – Ian Voerman; Chris Nott; Steven Lane; The Weaver Family; Lorraine Webster; Terry Doyle; Michelle Duiker; Neil Grant; Michael Fernando & all Tasmanian Members
NSW– Bruce Newman; Norm Wilson; Steven Hockey; Peter Seymour; Hans Gyger; Robert Judd; Tony Lauer
Cliff Hobson welcomed all members and thanked them for making the time to attend
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Moved: Lynden Norgate.
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Moved: Lynden Norgate.
Seconded: Phil Lye
“That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 28 January 2006 having been distributed by email, mail and tabled be accepted.”
Business Arising from Minutes:
“That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 28 January 2006 having been distributed by email, mail and tabled be accepted.”
Business Arising from Minutes:
Business Arising was deferred till after the election of Office Bearers. Secretaries Report:
Dot Marshall reported the number of members as at 1/1/07 was 83 which comprised a net loss of 21 members made up of Resignations (3); Deceased (1); Purged due to “over 18 months unfinancial” (36); and new members (15).
Dot Marshall reported the number of members as at 1/1/07 was 83 which comprised a net loss of 21 members made up of Resignations (3); Deceased (1); Purged due to “over 18 months unfinancial” (36); and new members (15).
Ken Parsons Re: Status of membership 31/5/06
Brian McKinnon Re: Resignation 13/6/06
David Anthony Re: Resignation 17/12/06
Jeff Gunhan Re: Being struck from Database 6/1/07
Ken Parsons Re: Not joining MMAA
Ken Parsons Re: Status of membership 31/5/06
Brian McKinnon Re: Resignation 13/6/06
David Anthony Re: Resignation 17/12/06
Jeff Gunhan Re: Being struck from Database 6/1/07
Ken Parsons Re: Not joining MMAA
21/1/06 Unfinancial Members Final Notice
18/2/06 Members Minutes of Meeting 28/1/06
3/5/06 Members Invoices 06/07
13/10/06 Members MMAA National AGM 2007
11/12/06 Members Notice of Meeting AGM 2007
12/12/06 Unfinancial Members Final Notice
Treasurers Report:
18/2/06 Members Minutes of Meeting 28/1/06
3/5/06 Members Invoices 06/07
13/10/06 Members MMAA National AGM 2007
11/12/06 Members Notice of Meeting AGM 2007
12/12/06 Unfinancial Members Final Notice
Treasurers Report:
Alison Gimbert reported a Bank Balance as at 26 January 2007 of $3,257.72.
Moved: Alison Gimbert
Seconded: Lynden Norgate
“That the Treasurers report as tabled be accepted.” CARRIED
“That the Treasurers report as tabled be accepted.” CARRIED
Moved: Grant Bates
Seconded: Chris Packham
“That all expenses be reimbursed to members as presented.” CARRIED
“That all expenses be reimbursed to members as presented.” CARRIED
Moved: Terry Webster
Seconded: Alison Gimbert
“That the Regalia currently owned by the Victoria Chapter, be purchased by the National Body, with Terry Webster continuing to monitor stock of said Regalia.” CARRIED
“That the Regalia currently owned by the Victoria Chapter, be purchased by the National Body, with Terry Webster continuing to monitor stock of said Regalia.” CARRIED
Presidents Reports:
National President:
Cliff Hobson reported on the issues of Incorporation and the investigation by himself together with Allan Mason. He advised the name Masonic Motorcycle Association of Australia Inc had been reserved with the NSW Department of Fair Trading. Cliff advised he now had the code for the Website and would be working to update it. He also advised that even though there had been a net loss in membership he hoped the Association would start gaining new members. Cliff felt the MMAA had started to make good process with the teething issues that had hampered the National Body since its inception.
Bombala President:
Paul Gimbert advised that they had held a meeting before the AGM and invited prospective non members. Paul advised that some prospective members questioned what advantages the MMAA had to offer them. Paul felt it was a hard question to answer but advised there was still interest there.
Cliff Hobson reported on the issues of Incorporation and the investigation by himself together with Allan Mason. He advised the name Masonic Motorcycle Association of Australia Inc had been reserved with the NSW Department of Fair Trading. Cliff advised he now had the code for the Website and would be working to update it. He also advised that even though there had been a net loss in membership he hoped the Association would start gaining new members. Cliff felt the MMAA had started to make good process with the teething issues that had hampered the National Body since its inception.
Bombala President:
Paul Gimbert advised that they had held a meeting before the AGM and invited prospective non members. Paul advised that some prospective members questioned what advantages the MMAA had to offer them. Paul felt it was a hard question to answer but advised there was still interest there.
Central Coast/Sydney President:
Cliff Hobson reported similar problems to Paul Gimbert with regard to MMAA membership. CC/S had a core number of members who were still meeting and the CC/S were continuing to support “Camp Breakaway” annually. CC/S had recently organised a ride to Tamworth to attend a lodge meeting and to meet some one the new members. Cliff advised that through money raised in the Chapter they were able to purchase tote bags for the disabled persons that they support (with their names painted on them),. Cliff went on to say that over $1,000 had been raised in combination with Lodge Morning Star for a local disabled girl. Cliff suggested that perhaps they should visit other Motorcycle Clubs like Ulysses to create an interest. Cliff felt the potential was there.
Cliff Hobson reported similar problems to Paul Gimbert with regard to MMAA membership. CC/S had a core number of members who were still meeting and the CC/S were continuing to support “Camp Breakaway” annually. CC/S had recently organised a ride to Tamworth to attend a lodge meeting and to meet some one the new members. Cliff advised that through money raised in the Chapter they were able to purchase tote bags for the disabled persons that they support (with their names painted on them),. Cliff went on to say that over $1,000 had been raised in combination with Lodge Morning Star for a local disabled girl. Cliff suggested that perhaps they should visit other Motorcycle Clubs like Ulysses to create an interest. Cliff felt the potential was there.
Victoria President:
Grant Bates advised that the year had been quiet with irregular meetings. Grant advised that Victoria had a wide range of members with regard to locations. Terry Webster reported that Community Connections were providing full computer systems to disadvantaged families with dial up internet connection for their use (free of charge). He advised computers had been donated from companies which also promoted MMAA in the Craft and funds had also been donated by the Craft. Terry advised that $510.00 had been donated to Community Connections by the combined effort of Werribee Lodge raising $255.00 and the Victoria Chapter matching this figure. Terry went on to say that the VMMA was a bike Association that was very active in Victoria and received a lot of press from the Victoria Freemasonry Magazine. This publicity contributed to them thriving whereas the Victoria Chapter of the MMAA was not. The VMMA are known to visit Lodges en-masse.
Grant Bates advised that the year had been quiet with irregular meetings. Grant advised that Victoria had a wide range of members with regard to locations. Terry Webster reported that Community Connections were providing full computer systems to disadvantaged families with dial up internet connection for their use (free of charge). He advised computers had been donated from companies which also promoted MMAA in the Craft and funds had also been donated by the Craft. Terry advised that $510.00 had been donated to Community Connections by the combined effort of Werribee Lodge raising $255.00 and the Victoria Chapter matching this figure. Terry went on to say that the VMMA was a bike Association that was very active in Victoria and received a lot of press from the Victoria Freemasonry Magazine. This publicity contributed to them thriving whereas the Victoria Chapter of the MMAA was not. The VMMA are known to visit Lodges en-masse.
General Business:
It was felt that it was up to the individual members to choose whether they wore their badges or not. Terry Webster sends out samples of “set up” of badges to all new members. It was suggested if members chose not to wear badges, that they wore an MMAA polo shirt or cap instead. Members were reminded that Back Patches were prohibited by the MMAA.
It was felt that it was up to the individual members to choose whether they wore their badges or not. Terry Webster sends out samples of “set up” of badges to all new members. It was suggested if members chose not to wear badges, that they wore an MMAA polo shirt or cap instead. Members were reminded that Back Patches were prohibited by the MMAA.
Election of Office Bearers:
Cliff Hobson declared all elected positions vacant and passed the Chair to Lynden Norgate for the Election of Office Bearers
Cliff Hobson declared all elected positions vacant and passed the Chair to Lynden Norgate for the Election of Office Bearers
Moved: Terry Webster
Seconded: Roger Coates
“That Cliff Hobson be re-elected President of the MMAA National Body for 2007.”
“That Cliff Hobson be re-elected President of the MMAA National Body for 2007.”
Moved: CliffHobson
Seconded: Grant Bates
“That Terry Webster be re-elected as Vice President of the MMAA National Body for 2007.”
“That Terry Webster be re-elected as Vice President of the MMAA National Body for 2007.”
Moved: Dot Marshall
Seconded: Cliff Hobson
“That Alison Gimbert be elected in the dual role of Secretary/Treasurer of the MMAA National Body for 2007.”
“That Alison Gimbert be elected in the dual role of Secretary/Treasurer of the MMAA National Body for 2007.”
Cliff stated that he felt that the position of Sergeant at Arms was not really required and asked for feedback on this suggestion. Wendy Capararo suggested that the Sergeant At Arms was a role that was more relevant to the Back Patch Clubs (eg Rebels, Jokers). Cliff related a conversation with several CC/S riders who said that if had to be shepherded as they rode, they would prefer not to ride. All agreed that riders wanted to ride safely and were in agreement with Roger Coates that the staggered formation was the best recommendation. Much discussion ensued with the validity of the role and a recommendation was made for a name change to National Road Captain.
Moved: Terry Webster
Seconded: Dot Marshall
“That the new position of National Road Captain be an elected position and not an ongoing one.”
“That the new position of National Road Captain be an elected position and not an ongoing one.”
Moved: Terry Webster
Seconded: Grant Bates
“That Roger Coates be elected as National Road Captain of the MMAA National Body for 2007 and that the Merchandising Officer purchase the required name badge.”
“That Roger Coates be elected as National Road Captain of the MMAA National Body for 2007 and that the Merchandising Officer purchase the required name badge.”
Business Arising from Minutes:
Cliff Hobson advised that he, together with Allan Mason had re-worked a Constitution that was a modified version of the one used by Ulysses. Terry Webster advised that the National Chapter should be incorporated. Grant Bates advised that the general feeling in the Victoria Chapter was that the Chapter did not want to relinquish their Incorporation status. Victoria would relinquish their Incorporation only if NSW were unable to use the name reserved.
Cliff Hobson advised that he, together with Allan Mason had re-worked a Constitution that was a modified version of the one used by Ulysses. Terry Webster advised that the National Chapter should be incorporated. Grant Bates advised that the general feeling in the Victoria Chapter was that the Chapter did not want to relinquish their Incorporation status. Victoria would relinquish their Incorporation only if NSW were unable to use the name reserved.
Cliff invited feedback from members regarding the contents of the Draft Constitution:
1. Alison Gimbert queried why the financial year was changed after being re-adjusted last year to 30th June.
Cliff advised the legal requirement of holding an AGM within 5 months after the end of the financial year meant the MMAA had until March the following year to hold the AGM.
1. Alison Gimbert queried why the financial year was changed after being re-adjusted last year to 30th June.
Cliff advised the legal requirement of holding an AGM within 5 months after the end of the financial year meant the MMAA had until March the following year to hold the AGM.
Terry Webster advised that in Victoria organisations could get special dispensation for extra time but was not sure of the NSW legislation. Suggested Allan Mason investigate.
2. Alison Gimbert queried the Membership Clause 6.7 regarding “Mason for life”.
Moved: Alison Gimbert
Moved: Alison Gimbert
Seconded: Chris Packham
“That the second sentence in Clause 6.7 be removed.”
“That the second sentence in Clause 6.7 be removed.”
3. Paul Gimbert spoke of the way Michael Lampadarios had set up the MMAA with the Grand Lodge and felt this was not reflected in the Constitution.
Cliff Hobson commented that Clause 2 covered this aspect.
Cliff Hobson commented that Clause 2 covered this aspect.
4. Alison Gimbert queried the fees of $20.00 and joining fee $5.00 (See point “8” below).
5. Alison Gimbert queried the Draft Constitution had not noted anywhere that the President or Vice President could only be a Mason.
Moved: Roger Coates
5. Alison Gimbert queried the Draft Constitution had not noted anywhere that the President or Vice President could only be a Mason.
Moved: Roger Coates
Seconded: Dot Marshall
“That the Interpretation Clause be re-worded with regard to the Associate Member as eligible to be elected to all offices other than President and Vice President.” CARRIED
“That the Interpretation Clause be re-worded with regard to the Associate Member as eligible to be elected to all offices other than President and Vice President.” CARRIED
6. Greg Marshall queried the 2 months lapse of membership clause
It was agreed that Clause 11(d) be reworded from “2 months” to “6 months” and that all members must be financial to vote at an AGM or be elected to office.
It was agreed that Clause 11(d) be reworded from “2 months” to “6 months” and that all members must be financial to vote at an AGM or be elected to office.
7. Terry Webster queried the reference to Associate Members as Victoria had family (children) members who were regarded as Associate Members with no voting rights.
It was agreed to delete Clause 6(h) re motorcycle licence.
It was agreed to delete Clause 6(h) re motorcycle licence.
8. Terry Webster queried the subscriptions. He advised that the Victoria Chapter members paid $25.00 direct to Victoria Chapter and these contributions enabled the Chapter to do things in the community. He advised to give the whole amount to the National Body would be wrong but believed a percentage of fees should be handed to the National Body.
Moved: Terry Webster
Seconded: Grant Bates
“That each Chapter open their own bank account for membership fees to be paid into and each Chapter pay a percentage (capitation fee) to the National Body. An amount would be decided upon to be reimbursed to both Bombala and CC/S to cover previous years.”
“That each Chapter open their own bank account for membership fees to be paid into and each Chapter pay a percentage (capitation fee) to the National Body. An amount would be decided upon to be reimbursed to both Bombala and CC/S to cover previous years.”
9. Paul Gimbert commented that all members should be approved by Chapters and not by the National Body.
Cliff Hobson advised that the Chapters had approval of members in the Draft Constitution.
Cliff Hobson advised that the Chapters had approval of members in the Draft Constitution.
Moved: Terry Webster
Seconded: Chris Packham
“That all prospective members of the MMAA have the option of joining their local Chapter and that the joining fee is paid into that Chapter’s bank account with capitation fees paid to the National Secretary/Treasurer at the end of the financial year.” CARRIED
“That all prospective members of the MMAA have the option of joining their local Chapter and that the joining fee is paid into that Chapter’s bank account with capitation fees paid to the National Secretary/Treasurer at the end of the financial year.” CARRIED
10. Terry Webster queried the use of the word “Branch” instead of “Chapter”
Moved: Terry Webster
Moved: Terry Webster
Seconded: Dot Marshall
“That where the word “Branch” is noted in the Draft Constitution it be re-worded to “Chapter”.”
“That where the word “Branch” is noted in the Draft Constitution it be re-worded to “Chapter”.”
11. Cliff Hobson advised other Clauses that needed attention were:
Clause 14(a) - removed
Clause 14(b) - changed to $25.00 Clause 15 - changed to $25.00
Cliff advised that all changes to the Draft Constitution would be made and circulated to the National Body Executive Committee for ratification. Cliff confirmed the Constitution would be circulated to all members before adoption. Cliff advised any local Chapter by-laws would need to be ratified by the National Body.
Terry Webster stated that Victoria would send their Constitution to the National Body for ratification.
Clause 14(a) - removed
Clause 14(b) - changed to $25.00 Clause 15 - changed to $25.00
Cliff advised that all changes to the Draft Constitution would be made and circulated to the National Body Executive Committee for ratification. Cliff confirmed the Constitution would be circulated to all members before adoption. Cliff advised any local Chapter by-laws would need to be ratified by the National Body.
Terry Webster stated that Victoria would send their Constitution to the National Body for ratification.
Moved: Terry Webster
Seconded: Grant Bates
“That Cliff Hobson be reimbursed for any expenses to extend the reservation of the Association name.”
“That Cliff Hobson be reimbursed for any expenses to extend the reservation of the Association name.”
Moved: CliffHobson
Seconded: Terry Webster
“That the Masonic Motorcycle Association of Australia be called the Masonic Motorcycle Association of Australia Incorporated as reserved with the NSW Office of Fair Trading and that the $100.00 fee be paid if adopted.” CARRIED
“That the Masonic Motorcycle Association of Australia be called the Masonic Motorcycle Association of Australia Incorporated as reserved with the NSW Office of Fair Trading and that the $100.00 fee be paid if adopted.” CARRIED
Moved: CliffHobson
Seconded: Terry Webster
“That subject to the Constitution being adopted that a Public Officer is appointed for the Association.”
“That subject to the Constitution being adopted that a Public Officer is appointed for the Association.”
Moved: CliffHobson
Seconded: Dot Marshall
“That the motion for the Victoria Chapter to relinquish their Incorporated status be rescinded.” CARRIED
“That the motion for the Victoria Chapter to relinquish their Incorporated status be rescinded.” CARRIED
Moved: CliffHobson
Seconded: Terry Webster
“That the Financial Year arrangements be changed in so far as the need to comply with reporting requirements of an incorporated association. CARRIED
“That the Financial Year arrangements be changed in so far as the need to comply with reporting requirements of an incorporated association. CARRIED
Terry Webster requested that Allan Mason investigate dispensation to extend the time frame required for holding the AGM after the end of the financial year.”
Cliff advised he would investigate our potential liability as an association and if deemed appropriate, the amount of liability insurance to be taken out.
Cliff advised he would investigate our potential liability as an association and if deemed appropriate, the amount of liability insurance to be taken out.
Moved: Terry Webster
Seconded: CliffHobson
“That Michael Lampadarios be recognised for his dedicated effort in setting up the MMAA and that he be made the first Life Member of the Association.” CARRIED
“That Michael Lampadarios be recognised for his dedicated effort in setting up the MMAA and that he be made the first Life Member of the Association.” CARRIED
National Rally 2008:
Bombala Chapter agreed to host the AGM for 2008. Details would be given to members when they were arranged.
Bombala Chapter agreed to host the AGM for 2008. Details would be given to members when they were arranged.
Cliff Hobson thanked all members for attending with a special thanks to Terry Webster and the Victoria Chapter for the welcome drinks on Friday night and for organising a successful 2007 AGM.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.00pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.00pm
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