National Bikers News Letter No 5 Sunday, 17 May 2009.
National AGM
Presidents Report:
Greetings to all Members,
To all Members & Associate Members. My name is Michael Lampadarios I am the founder of the M.M.A.A. Inc. and I recently had the honour of being re-elected to the position of National President of the Masonic Motorcycle Association of Australia Inc. The AGM was fantastic with members and Family members coming from every part in NSW, ACT, VIC, and QLD. Well done to the Organizing Chapter. (Sydney Chapter.) I would like to thank all that came from near and far to our AGM you made it a fantastic weekend. The M.M.A.A. has incorporated in NSW and in Victoria. Our Chapters are growing. I also would like to give a special thanks Terry Webster and all Members for making me the First Life Member of the MMAA. Terry made the presentation so well and I thank him very much as it was the best honour a member can bestow on another member. A special Thanks to you Terry not only for a job well done as National President but also for your nomination of me as National President. Terry Webster for all those that might not know was one of the first to join the Association at the grass roots of the M.M.A.A.’s formation. He persevered and came through unscathed. He gave me a lot of well thought advice and when I first approach Terry to set up the VIC Chapter he was a bit hesitant. But he came through and through he came. Organized the Victorian Chapter and went on to become the third National President of the M.M.A.A. I would like also to thank all those who did such a wonderful job in restoring the faith of our members. Terry Webster, Dot Marshall, Greg Marshall, Grant Bates, Roger Coats and there are many more. To all - Many Thanks and don’t stop. Terry did such a fantastic job in building up the Association as National President, what with phone calls and letters being sent out to members that had not had any contact since they joined. There is a NEW ROLE on the National Executive. This Role is the Communication Officer which is now in the Hands of Bro Neal Gardiner and it will be very valuable. For his job is to keep all members up to date with Rides, Newsletters, and Notices and generally keep in touch with everyone. Dot Marshall has been extremely valuable to the Association as Secretary/Treasurer. With out all her hard work and patience we would not be here today.
The role of National President has been passed on to me and with all humility I will do the upmost to not only promote the M.M.A.A. in the Motorcycle community but will endeavour to promote it in the Freemason community. With the help of the new National Committee and fresh ideas coming in from all members, . plans are in place to increase membership over the next year. We will support all functions organized by other Clubs, hold our own Charity Rides and functions. We need members to help us to do things and not sit back and wait for others to organize things. All I have left to say is that it is a privilege for me to be the new National President and hope to meet up with every one soon. Remember this, you the members make up this Association, not the President or the National Executive – YOU!... and without you, this Association would not exist. So, when you are out on a ride or at a Rally wear your breast patches with pride and if someone comes up to you and asks what is that, you can honestly say with pride that it’s the Masonic Motorcycle Association of Australia - Freemasons and Family members and friends, getting together as a group and enjoying each others company. Thank You!
Michael Lampadarios National President M.M.A.A. Inc.
P.S. Don’t forget to check out the Web site. If you have any photos of any Rides or Rallies you may have gone on and wish to have them posted we would more then happy to do so.
Secretary’s Report
Hi, my name is Dot Marshall and I have been elected again into the above role.
I have met a lot of members over the years, as I have been lucky enough to attend all AGM’s since the forming of the MMAA. I belong to the MMAA Victoria Chapter and am a founding member.
My husband Greg is a Full Member and has been riding a motorbike almost since he could stand. I became as Associate Member as a pillion and then a year later obtained my riders license and ride a Honda 250 Forsight scooter. I work full time at La Trobe University and keep busy supporting Greg with his other Lodge interests including his current stint as Grand Sword in the Grand Lodge of Victoria active team.
I have enjoyed working in the National Secretary/Treasurer’s role and have strived to make it as streamlined as possible.
I welcome any questions and/or suggestions for myself, or ones that I can pass on to others. I see my role as the link between the President and Committee. I ensure all members’ details are up to date so request all members contact me with any changes. I also ensure that all members are kept informed of all newsletters, rides and other information. I think the best way to do this is for members to send their communications through me, to ensure that all members are informed/contacted. Currently we have 78 members and 8 of those members do not have email addresses.
All invoices are emailed/posted in September to give members plenty of time to pay, as fees are due on the 31st October for the ensuing 12 months. If you don’t receive your invoice or feel you are not financial, then let me know, and I will sort it out.
Any payments are able to be made direct into our bank account (for those of you with internet banking facilities). However, I cannot stress enough that you ensure that any EFT payment made direct into the bank account, details your name and reason, so that I can ensure that any payments made, are credited to you.
Thank you for your support in my role as National Secretary/Treasurer.
Not all members have volunteered their birth date but best wishes for a February birthday: Peter Smith on 16/02/1958.
Dot Marshall
Report from the Membership & Merchandise Officer
Membership Report:
2008 was an excellent year for growth for two predominant reasons. Firstly, many of those members who had lapsed their memberships were all personally contacted and it is pleasing to note that the vast majority have renewed their memberships. They cited a severe lack of communications and activity as being the main reasons for lapsing, but were pleased to note the revival of enthusiasm and leadership within the Association. Secondly, apart from increasing our public profile by way of promotion through the press and GL publications, the updating and effective management of the newly designed website has brought about eight new members in the past fifteen weeks, from online applications. Over the past year, our membership has almost doubled and the interest in the club has increased exponentially. This was quite apparent by the turnout we had at our AGM.
Since the AGM, we have received several new applications and other expressions of interest, so we must be doing something right. It appears obvious to me that the increased ride activity and communications has made all the difference. Additionally, we have a new Chapter forming in Tasmania with a very healthy start-up membership of keen motorcyclists.
Merchandise Report:
At the 2009 AGM, it was agreed that all future regalia, i.e. polo shirts, tee shirts, caps etc have only the one club logo – the square & compass one. It was also agreed that the new breast patch be less cluttered and to this end, the A.F & A.M lettering will be removed for all future badges ordered.
Considerable stock was sold over the AGM week-end in Queanbeyan so I will be ordering new stock of polo shirts and caps. If any members wish to order a special size polo shirt, or black long sleeve shirt with logo, please email webby@bigpond, with your size details as soon as possible.
General News
Central Coast has just had their AGM and elected a new committee. They currently have 5 members and are looking to rebuild to their glory days when they had around 20 odd members. Watch this space for their developments. Already they have had interest and will put forward two rides that will involve sleep over’s, one south and one north.
Mr Dave Anthony of CCoast Chapter has just been made a Grandfather, Congratulations to ecstatic Dave and all his family. Glad all are well healthy and sound.
Commiserations to Bongo our national road captain on his recent experience, and to his good fortune in surviving relatively unscathed after a rather nasty smash which wrote off his beloved speedie.
A very warm welcome to new members;
Mr Steve Dixon Wongan Hills WA.
Mr Milton Salt Kandanga QLD
Mr Ross Ebeling Hawkesbury Heights NSW
Mr Graeme Williams, Umina Beach NSW
Mr Dave Anthony, Wyoming, NSW.
Mr Stephen Maitland, Grosevale. NSW.
Mr Ramindar Barr, Wahroonga NSW
Sydney Chapter News
Recent events have seen the initial creation and holding of the first 4 meetings to create a new lodge; called Lodge Highway. It is an interest Lodge, to bring like minded motor cycle enthusiasts together into a common Lodge. It will meet 4 times per year and be issued a travelling warrant. The parent or mother Lodge is Lodge Wahroonga.
All members with an interest in this can obtain further details through myself.
Sydney recently held its AGM where a new committee has been elected. Mr Hans Guyger is the New President.
Sit Square, ride on the level and stay upright.
Gardo 156