Masonic Motorcycle Association of Australia Inc.
National President: Gary Duff
Mobile: 0413 131 061
National Secretary: Andrew Duff
Mobile: 0417 002 629
Minutes of the Masonic Motorcycle Association of Australia Inc (MMAA)
National Rally held on Saturday 29 January 2011.
The meeting was held at the Tumut RSL, 65 Russell Street, Tumut, NSW and commenced at 4:00PM.
R. Coates, T. Webster, G. Duff, S. Mathies, J. Basiuk, B. Ridley, M. Stegman, W. Capararo, T. Capararo, M. Walker, A. Duff, D. Jenkins, G. Guelfi, Glyn Williams, G. Penfound, R. Ebeling, D. Kos, B. Vizintin, Graeme Williams, L. Norgate, P. Lye, P. Seymour, T. Gardiner, R. Jackson, C. Packham, G. Bates, G. Marshall, and D. Marshall.
M. Lampadarios, R. Cochrane, C. Duff, K. Ebeling, B. Blair, A. Givney, S. Hockey, P. Rawson, C. Everingham, A. Burton, C. & C. Deane, R. Crawford, L. Wells, R. Goninon, R. Black, M. Doggett, S. Turner, T. Milburn, J. Schaumann, S. Norris, D. Strong, N & L Weaver, D & R Weaver, L. Webster, N. Gardiner, V. Norgate.
In light of the fact that our sitting National President, Michael Lampadarios was unable to attend due to a loss in his family, the meeting was chaired by Roger (Lizard) Coates, who welcomed everyone on behalf of Michael and the club. Roger also extended a warm welcome to visitors to our meeting. Roger then explained to all the tragic loss of Michael’s son-in-law, Keegan Skinner, whose funeral was held yesterday on 28th January and was attended by representatives of both the Sydney & Central Coast Chapters. He explained that Keegans’ family were in need of support and would welcome any donation the club or its members could manage.
Roger asked all present if they had received the minutes of our previous AGM, which was held in Young NSW. All had. It was then asked if they were a true representation of that meeting. All agreed.
Motion: “That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 26 January 2008 as tabled be accepted.”
Moved: Dot Marshall
Seconded: Grant Bates
Secretary’s Report:
Correspondence: There was a huge amount of correspondence both inwards and outwards via email. Any member who wished access to it could ask Terry and it would be provided.
Terry Webster tabled the Membership Summary for period 1/11/09 to 31/10/10 which totalled 79 financial members. There had been twenty-six new members during the past year, with one application currently being processed.
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There had been 7 resignations from the club this year, approximately half from illness. Additionally, we lost our well respected Brother Hans Gyger who was the Sydney Chapter President at the time when his battle with Cancer got the best of him. He will be missed.
Terry advised that he had a small amount of stock with him, such as polo shirts, tee shirt and lapel pins. Any member wishing to purchase them could do so at the BBQ this evening. The BBQ will be put on by Victorian Chapter who are hosting this AGM. It will commence at 7:30PM at the Caravan Park. All members and visitors are welcome. There will be a $10 charge per person, which includes food and some beverages. Additionally, there will be raffle prizes at no extra charge.
Treasurers Report:
Terry tabled an income and expenditure report for the period 1/11/09 to 31/10/10 advising a Bank Balance as at 31/10/010 of $3,392.19. The current Bank Balance was $4,430.39 as at 25/1/11. Terry noted that some of those funds did not belong to the club as they were personal donations by club members towards the “Skinner Family” fund.
Capitation fees for the various chapters were calculated on the number of members being financial on the date of the AGM. For the benefit of those who do not know what capitation fees are, it was explained that 80% ($20) of a members annual fees ($25) paid to the National account on membership application are reimbursed to that members Chapter after each AGM, to assist them in their administrative and charitable endeavours.
Many members are part of the NSW (or National) Chapter and as such no capitation fees were required to be reimbursed for NSW Chapter.
The refunds for fees to other Chapters stand at:-
Sydney – 13 @ $20 = $260.
Central Coast - 10 @ $20 = $200
NW NSW – 6 @ $20 = $120
TAS – 12 @ $20 = $240
VIC – 18 @ $20 = $360
Terry Webster will tender a small account for badges, postage and stationery in the coming month. The only other account for payment at this date is for the webmasters fee, which is $240.00.
Motion: “That capitation fees totalling $1,180.00 (including 2 members fees paid today) and other accounts for payment be paid.”
Moved: Gary Duff
Seconded: Shane Mathies
Moved: Terry Webster
Seconded: Ross Ebeling
National President:
MICHAEL LAMPADARIOS (as read by Roger Coates)
Firstly let me apologise for not being able to attend the 9th annual AGM. This is due to the sudden death of my Son in Law on the 21st of January just a couple of weeks ago. He left behind a Lovely wife and 2 children aged from 6 years old to 2 years old. This had hit my family very hard as you can imagine so please forgive me for not being there with you.
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Since our last AGM which was held in Young NSW we have had several new members and also we have lost some. This is expected in any Club or Association.
Rides have been organised during the 2010 year. Has seen Members travel from Windsor NSW for the installation of Roger Lizard Coates into the Chair of his Lodge and also the installation of Shane Mathies into the Chair of his Lodge in Clifton Qld. Both these events were organised by the President of the Central Coast Chapter Gary Duff.
Other events that are organised for this year coming, see’s members travel to Tasmania. This will be in April. A good turnout is expected. I also make myself available to any position that I may be nominated for. I close now and wish all present a very good weekend in Tumut and hope to catch up with one and all very soon.
Michael Lampadarios
National President MMAA Inc.
I also nominate the following persons:-
Gary Duff for the position of National President.
Cathy Duff for National Secretary
Ray Barr for National Road Captain (not present due to his work but has excepted the nomination)
Central Coast
2010 has been a busy year for the Central Coast but rewarding. We have contributed to the local community in the form of supplying our bikes to camp breakaway to give severely handicapped children and adults’ rides on bikes. This is something we have been doing for a while. We have had many social rides – long rides like up to Toowoomba to see Big Shane. Our membership is growing. We have tried to lift the profile of the MMAA in the local area in sponsorship of a trophy for a hot rod show and also included in the district diary. We are in the late planning stages of our Easter ride to Tasmania. On a sad note, we must remember the passing of our dear friend and Brother, Hans, and more recently, the son-in-law of our National President taken at only 27 years of age. I feel 2011 will be a great year for the members of the Central Coast and all members of the MMAA.
Trevor explained that although they are still a small Chapter, they had been on several rides, including the installation events of Roger Coates in Windsor, NSW and Shane Mathies in Toowoomba, Qld. Additionally, NW NSW Chapter members had been on other rides with Central Coast Chapter and they are looking forward to another year of activity, fun and meeting new people.
Ross advised all that it had been a mixed year. The Chapter lost a wonderful member and it’s President Hans Gyger, early in the year as well as a couple of other members. There have been several new members to the Chapter and there have also been several very successful rides. There is also a possibility of a “Central Tablelands Chapter” being developed, so the attitude is all positive.
Grant stated that Victorian Chapter had increased in size and had regular monthly rides, which were organised by our very efficient Ride Captain, Chris Packham. Our rides are predominantly social rides and Chris has established a blog site where our rides are readily accessed by members. Additionally, we had our Chapter Xmas dinner at the Melbourne Hilton. This was attended by many of our members as well as Gary & Cathie Duff, who flew down especially for the event and also Bojan Vizintin who was visiting Melbourne at the time. All in all, it has been a successful year, with no small thanks being attributed to the efforts of our super efficient Secretary, Dot Marshall and Ride Captain, Chris Packham.
RICK GONINON (as read by Terry Webster)
It has been 12 months since our last report and things have been progressing at a slow pace in Tasmania. We have picked up a few new members in the north of the island and are trying to
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assist them in getting enough to form their own chapter. I have stood down as president due to other commitments and a new committee has been elected since November. Tony Bruce Mullins is now the new president and I wish him all the best in the following year. Monthly rides still continue on the second Sunday of each month with about 8 bikes attending on most runs. We look forward to the members who are coming over for the Easter ride and all communication should be sent to Craig Deane (sec) or Tony(pres).Final numbers and sailing dates need to be communicated for final preparations and would be appreciated if this could be done asap. MMAA TAS members have assisted in other Masonic displays which have helped introduce people into freemasonry and this has been a great success both for the MMAA and masonry in general. We also had attendance at the annual toy run. There have been several invitations to ride with other groups such as HOG and ULYSSES and we have joined these groups for some social rides and enjoyment. I would like to wish everyone the best for the future and hope that I will be able to attend next year’s agm.
General Business:
Bojan Vizintin suggested that we undertake, as an ongoing project, the care and consideration of Keegan & Alexandra Skinners two children. Discussion took place as to the viability and responsibility of this undertaking, with no clear resolution taken. It was, however, decided that in the interim, donations would be collected for a Skinner Family fund. Grant Bates stated that Victorian Chapter would donate $500 towards the fund. Gary Duff stated that Central Coast would offer the same. Terry Webster was asked what funds were available from the National fund, with the result being that $1000 was committed towards the fund from the national account. Other Chapters and individuals offered assistance.
Motion: “That $1,000 be donated from the MMAA National account to the Skinner Family Fund” Moved: Terry Webster
Seconded: Ross Ebeling
Trevor Capararo raised the issue of AGM venues and put forward the idea that each Chapter could choose to have the AGM in close proximity to their area. This would mean that AGM’s would be held interstate e.g. Tasmania, Qld, Victoria and NSW, depending on who was hosting the AGM each year. Much discussion ensued, particularly taking into account the fact that the centralised idea was to ensure maximum attendance, given that our club is still in the growing stage with the majority of members domiciled in NSW. Trevor suggested that the Easter ride to Tasmania would be the ideal venue and timing for this discussion to take place. Greg Marshall suggested a committee be formed to discuss this and Bojan Vizintin recommended one person from each Chapter be on the committee.
It was decided that this committee would be formed during the Easter Tassie trip and full feedback and info would be provided to the membership after the Tassie meeting. The outcome from this meeting will formulate a motion to be put at the next AGM (2012).
Neal Gardiners proposal that an “Executive Committee” comprised of one member of each NSW Chapter be formed to govern / administer activities between NSW Chapters and all NSW members. Although the recommendation covered more issues and offered the option of a centralised committee being overseer and mentor to all NSW Chapters and mentors. Various recommendations were offered, including :-
All NSW Chapter members who are not affiliated with a specific chapter are aligned with the nearest chapter to them. This however would not work with unattached members in Qld, W.A, and N.T, so the concept was refused.
The resultant decision was suggested by Grant Bates, which was:- That every single ride, activity or function being held by the MMAA, would be promulgated to every MMAA member, Australia-wide. This would ensure that any visiting or travelling member would be kept updated on activities.
Motion: “That the national membership contact list be given to each Chapter President/Secretary”
Moved: Grant Bates
Seconded: Andrew Duff
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Election of Office Bearers:
Roger Coates then declared all positions vacant and asked for nominations for Office Bearers. The following motions were put and carried:-
“That Gary Duff is elected National President of the MMAA National Body for 2011.”
Moved: Michael Lampadarios
Seconded: Bojan Vizintin
“That Roger Coates is elected as National Vice President of the MMAA National Body for 2011.”
Moved: Grant Bates
Seconded: Wendy Capararo
Moved: Chris Packham
Seconded: Gary. Duff
Moved: Gary Duff
Seconded: Terry Webster
Moved: Gary Duff
Seconded: Phil Lye
“That Terry Webster is confirmed as National Administration Officer of the MMAA National Body for 2011”.
Moved: Grant Bates
Seconded: Ross Jackson
Gary Duff assumed the role of National President and chaired the rest of the meeting. Gary thanked Roger for undertaking the days’ proceedings and particularly thanked Michael Lampadarios (in his absence) for his unswerving and continued service to our club.
It was also noted that the National Association’s bank account details / authorities with NAB be changed to include Gary Duff and Andrew Duff as signatories and that other signatories no longer actively involved in account transactions will be removed from the authority.
National Rally 2012:
Central Coast Chapter was appointed to organise the AGM for 2012.
There being no further business the meeting concluded at 5:25pm.
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