Sunday, September 26, 2010

25th September 2010 RIDE TO CLIFTON QLD.


Shane (Big Shane) Mathies Installation into the Chair of

Lodge Clifton QLD.

On the 24th of September saw several MMAA Members from Sydney, Central Coast ride up to Tamworth to meet up with other Members from the N.W. (Tamworth) Chapter.

 For a trip up to Clifton QLD. For the Installation of Shane Mathies into the Chair of Lodge Clifton which is located 40k's south of Toowoomba QLD. This is a very old Lodge dating back to 1896.

On the morning of the 25th the 7 of us set off at around 6:30 in the morning.


The trip started off well until Wendy's bike broke down. Turn out the regulator had shorted out and the bike was left behind and we continued the trip with Wendy on the back of Trevor her partner.


The weather held off for us except for the little rain we got after we crossed the border. We arrive at around 3pm and we settled in the Cabins and got duded up for the evenings event. The Lodge tyled at 4pm.


This was the first time any of us from N.S.W. had seen the QLD Installation. We were taken back by the slight deference's.

The South was packed. The meal was fantastic.

After all the Toast's were done. Michael Lampadarios (MMAA National President) and Trevor Capararo (President of the N.W.(Tamworth) Chapter made several presentations on behalf of the M.M.A.A. as a whole to Shane Mathies.


This was comprised of a Bottle of Wine especially Labelled with the MMAA Logo and a set off Cufflinks. This was to express the many thanks for all the support Shane has given to the MMAA over the years, to ride very long distances to our events.

His last big ride was to Windsor N.S.W. for the installation into the Chair of our Good friend Roger (Lizard) Coates which would have taken him more then 13 hours of travel time to get there.  As it took us a good 12 hours to ride back, this also included several stops for fuel and food.

We all had a Great Weekend. Shane also had a Great Night and wishes to thank the MMAA Members for taking the time to go all the way up to Clifton for his Installation.

We were also deeply sorry we could not stay longer and spend time with him but we had to rush back as several members had to get back for work.

I personally would like to thank the following MMAA Members who came to Clifton.


Terry & Neal Gardiner (Sydney Chapter), Trevor & Wendy Capararo (President & Secretary N.W.Chapter(Tamworth), Warren Grills (N.W.Chapter (Tamworth), Gary Duff (President Central Coast Chapter) and myself Michael Lampadarios (National President M.M.A.A. Inc.)

We wish Shane all the best in his time a Master of his Lodge and we know he will do his best as he is a True Mason and a True Human being.


Michael Lampadarios National President MMAA

Friday, September 17, 2010


Dear MMAA Members, Please keep the following date open. It is a Sunday. It’s that time of the year again for us to get together for the 10th Annual Pink Ribbon Motorcycle Ride. Sunday 24th October, 2010 Registrations open 9:00am – Marconi Club, Bossley Park Check out the details at: Phone – 0432 861 261 PO Box 118, Westgate NSW 2040 This Year your registration pack will be available on the day at the Marconi Club, Badge and confirmation posted. Bigger & Better Prizes, try your luck – Dress Up, yourself and your bike – the more effort the bigger buzz! So come and support the Westmead Breast Cancer Institute. Sincerely, Michael Lampadarios National President MMAA Inc. 0449 019 909

Saturday, April 24, 2010


On the 24th of April 2010. Several Members from Sydney & Central Coast Chapters went up to Tamworth.

This was a Ride to Support one of our Members (Trevor Capararo) going through his Third Degree at Tamworth Lodge. Lodge Peel.

It was a Great Night with in the Lodge. We were excepted into the Lodge as a Group, with Bro Michael Lampadarios (National President) acting as the DC and introduce the Group as MMAA Members to the Wor. Master.

The Ceremony was Great and especially to Shane from QLD who had never seen the NSW Ceremony carried out. As he put it, it is done totaly diferent in QLD.

The South was great.

Every one enjoyed the ceremony and the meal was fantastic.

The Members of the MMAA who attended came from far and wide.

Again this year Shane from Toowoombah rode down for this special event. Many thanks Shane for coming and we will do our best to come up for your installation into the Chair.

Sunday saw us having BBQ breakfast at the Temple. All went well and yes we got rained on, on the way home. Made it home dry as can be. then around 4:13 pm the sky opened up again.

Another event coming up will be on the 17th of July. At the Hawkberry Temple,
South Windsor. Were our good friend Roger (Lizard) Coates will be insatlled into the Chair.

Lets all show our support to Roger and make it a SPECIAL Night for him by attending.

Photos of Tamworth will be posted as soon as I receive them.

Bro Michael Lampadarios (National President MMAA)

Friday, April 16, 2010


Dear Members,
In NSW, Sydney, Central Coast and Members in the Newcastle areas.

Please NOTE:
On MAY 2, 2010 The NSW Central Coast Chapter will be attending again at Camp Breakaway.

You are invited to attend a Day Ride at Camp Breakaway located at San Remo on the NSW Central Coast, about 15 minute Ride North of Wyong, it is a Day that you wont forget and also have a good time. And Bring A Spare Helmet.

Only a couple of hours of your time is all that Takes to make all those less fortunate (Disable) kids & adults very happy.

So please try to make it.

Meeting time will be at 10am at the Twin Caltex Servo,

North bound on the F3

Departure Time will be at 10:30am after a cup of coffee.

Starting time is at 11am at the Camp.

Further info on this event can be optained from

Michael Lampadarios (National President) on 0449 019 909
Gary Duff (Central Coast Chapter President) on 0413 131 061

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2010 National Rally / AGM - Young, NSW

Minutes of the Masonic Motorcycle Association of Australia Inc (MMAA)
National Rally held on Monday 25 January 2010

The meeting was held at the Young Masonic Lodge Hall, 62 Blackett Avenue, Young and commenced at 10.00am.

Central Coast/Sydney – Michael Lampadarios; Cathie Duff; David Anthony; Graeme Williams & Gary Duff
NSW – Mark Walker &Shane Mathies
NW NSW – Trevor Capararo; Wendy Capararo & Anthony Morley
Sydney – Bojan Vizintin; Lynden Norgate; Virginie Norgate; Hans Gyger; Ross Jackson & Peter Seymour
Tasmania –Tony Bruce-Mullins; Rosemary Bruce-Mullins; Paul Goninon; Rick Goninon; Craig Deane; Alan Burton; Peter Shacklady & Kellie-Sue Coy
Victoria - Grant Bates; Terry Webster; Chris Packham; Dot Marshall; Greg Marshall; Mal Hurst & Roger Coates.
Observers: Brett Balfour

NSW - Kevin Bontes; Don Drummond & Brian Ridley
Sydney – Phil Lye; Janelle Lye; Ross Ebeling; Terry Gardiner; Neal Gardiner & John Ivkovitch

Michael Lampadarios welcomed all members who were able to attend.

Michael alerted members to the Websites and reminded all Chapters to add photos to same. Michael advised that eventually all Chapters would have a link to the MMAA Website. Michael reported on Wombats Wish Memorial Ride which was held on 18 October 2009 and attended by the VIC Chapter where a donation of $3,500.00 was presented which was made up of VIC Chapter member donations; ($1,000.00); VIC Chapter donation; ($500.00) and National body donation ($250.00) which was matched “dollar for dollar” by the Freemasonry of Victoria Board of Benevolence equalling $3,500.00.

Mal Hurst spoke a few words of the Wombats Wish Memorial Charity which is in honour of the late Greg "Wombat" Currie, owner of the Geelong Harley-Davidson dealership. Wombat's Wish is a charity dedicated to assisting bereaved children living with grief following the loss of a parent. Some of the services provided by Wombat's wish include camps and after school care, as well as grief counseling and support for childreno

Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Moved: Dot Marshall
Seconded: Grant Bates

“That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 24 January 2009 as emailed/mailed be accepted.”

Business Arising From Minutes:

Secretary’s Report:

Dot tabled the Membership Summary for period 1/11/08 to 31/10/09 which totalled 95 members. There had been 9 new members since 31/10/09 to date. Four of those members were yet to be processed.

Moved: Gary Duff
Seconded: Roger Coates
“That the Secretary’s report as tabled be accepted.”

Dot tabled an income and expenditure report for the period 1/11/08 to 31/10/09 advising a Bank Balance as at 31/10/09 of $3,536.82. The current Bank Balance was $3,842.51 as at 21/1/10.

Moved: Dot Marshall
Seconded: Greg Marshall
“That the Treasurers report as tabled be accepted.”

Moved: Dot Marshall
Seconded: Tony Bruce-Mullins
“That capitation fees be paid to those Chapters still active and held in the account for those that were not.”

Moved: Terry Webster
Seconded: Bojan Vizintin
“That a cheque covering reimbursement of expenses totalling $56.55 be paid to Dot Marshall.”

Presidents Report:
National President:

Welcome one and all to the 8th annual AGM of the Masonic Motorcycle Association of Australia Inc.

This welcome is extended to all who had made the long trip to be here. A big welcome goes to our Tasmania Brethren who travel by Bike, Ferry and then by Bike again to be here. Also to our visitors who had made a special effort to come down to our AGM and spend their weekend with us.

As you might not be aware there has been allot of changes since our last AGM in 2009 members have the ability to check for any rides that may be organized by accessing the events calendar on our web site. They have been active with rides and activities ranging from single ride days to participating in organized rides with other clubs. Also been informed by email.

All Chapters have been out and about, on day rides, Charity Runs, BBQ’s.

Victoria Chapter, NSW Central Coast Chapter and NSW Sydney Chapter had some really good rides during the year. Charity Rides being the most frequent ones attended.

The MMAA attended the Wombat’s Wish Ride which was held on the 18th of October 2009. We were pleased to be able to present the organisers with a cheque for $3,500 to assist them in these activities. This is a great charity that we are very proud to be a part of and we are very grateful that Freemasons Victoria matched our fundraising dollar for dollar. Well done Vic Chapter and special thanks to "MAL" Hurst who organised our attendance and GL's $ for $ contribution for our donation, and also for his own personal contribution. Thanks also to National Chapter for supporting our presence by way of a donation. Great work everyone!

Recently Terry Webster and myself had flags and stickers made up with the MMAA logo. These will be available very soon for all members to display on their Bikes. The NSW Central Coast and Tasmania Chapters had their own flags made. Also available Hand out Club cards, made up for anyone who may want to hand out to Bike riders who may be interested in joining. We have placed them in Bike shops and at Cafes frequent by Riders on the weekends. They are well accepted by other Motorbike Clubs.
I hope this trend continues in the future. Now that we have several new Chapters under our belt we can spread our name around.

Tasmania being the newest Chapter to be formed. Was formed on the 1st of February 2009 with Rick Goninon coming in as Chapter President and Craig Deane as Secretary and with several other chapters in the pipeline.

Even had an inquiry from New Zealand for the formation of a Chapter over there.

Also as the National President I would like to say a very big thank you to all those members who have stuck by the MMAA in the hard times and the good times. And to all new members that have come aboard in 2009.

Members like Terry Webster (National Membership Officer)
From the very beginnings of the MMAA stuck by it and went out of his way to promote the MMAA, went on to become the Founding Member of the Victorian Chapter. And later the 3rd National President (taking over from Cliff Hobson) and finally the National Membership Officer. He has done a brilliant job not only in contacting members from all over Australia but also going to Grand Lodge in Victoria and getting the MMAA recognized in Victoria. Terry to you I say a Very Big Thank you and am proud to call you friend.

Dot & Greg Marshall
Greg and Dot are a really great couple. Since the very start they have attained every AGM. They do not ride their bikes to the AGM but tow them on the trailer. They manage to come to every AGM the MMAA has had from its beginnings. Thank you, Dot for being our National Treasurer/Secretary & to continue in that role. Nor would our members be advised on when their dues are due for renewal. To you Dot I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Also I would like to thank Greg for his full support of Dot on taking on these roles. To you Greg a very big thank you, not only from me but every member in the MMAA.

Grant Bates (Victoria Chapter President)
For putting up with Terry and me, plus all the hassles he had with his motorbike. Firstly breaking down at our very first get-together, spent all weekend trying to chase down a battery for it then founding out the Computer packed it in, then having to tow it back to Melbourne on Greg’s Trailer and second for coming in strife with an echidna. The echidna got the worse of it, but Grant was not left untouched he was pretty sore for a good while after that and even tried riding the battered bike back down to Melbourne. And after getting the bike back on the road, what happens, another accident. Now he is riding a Ducati. Grant I say thank you for staying in there. And stay upright for god’s sake.

Roger Coates. (National Vice President)
Now what can one say about Roger or Lizard as he likes to be known. Roger Joined the MMAA in Victoria and from the first time he & I met we became very good friends. Now some may look at Roger for the very first time and think he does not look like a Mason. We get that allot at Lodge’s we attend with together as a group. But let me tell you this. Roger (Lizard) would and will help you out to the best of his ability. He will defend and promote MMAA without question. With the help of Lizard efforts we would not have our Road Rules. Which he personally approached the H.O.G. Club to get their permission to adopt their Road Rules for our own? And he is a stickler for the Rules and expects all to follow them. I included. To you Lizard I say thank you.

Gary & Cathie Duff (NSW Central Coast Chapter President)
Gary and wife Cath are from the NSW Central Coast a member of the MMAA he wanted to make sure the Central Coast Chapter did not fold due to lack in numbers. Which at one stage its numbers dropped down to only 4 active members? He went out of his way to build up and sustain the Chapter with members. Organized rides for the Central Coast members and also inviting the members from Sydney Chapter to attend. He then decided to take over as Chapter President and Wife Cath took on the role and Treasurer/Secretary of the Chapter. Thought not many meetings were had in 2009. He had organized a couple BBQ’s and a Christmas diner night at the local club. Gary & Cath thank you.

Trevor & Wendy Capararo.
Now Trevor and Wendy. Well where we will start. Terry and I first met this fine couple on the Central Coast when Terry came up for the Harleys 100 Birthday celebrations. We mentioned the MMAA to Trevor and Wendy and they joined that year as Associate members. Trevor also last year was initiated in Freemasonry and is due to proceed to the third in April of this year. Those who would like to be there for this occasion please do so. Several members from Victoria, Sydney, Central Coast and Tamworth will be in attendance.

Tony Bruce-Mullins for getting brethren together to form our Tasmania Chapter. With Rick Goninon coming in as Chapter President. Tasmania Chapter have had several rides and by their web site the rides were great. And they are also allowed to wear their bike gear into Lodge without any conflict. This is what we should be doing, promoting Motorcycling in Freemasonry and Freemasonry into the Motorcycling community. A very well done to all involved.

The Gardiner Brothers
Neal Gardiner (National Communications Officer).
Neal has tried his best to communicate with all members in regards to rides and events. He also had a bit of bad luck with his bike recently had a tree fall on it and did some damage. He is up and riding again.

Terry Gardiner (National Road Captain)
Has been out on rides with other clubs, and with the MMAA. He is promoting the MMAA his way. Terry himself had a miss hap on his Bike, came unstuck and had the bike written off and was given a brand new one by the insurance company. Lucky him. Many thanks to Neal & Terry

Hans (Sydney Chapter President)
Hans is the president of our Sydney Chapter and has the experience this Association needs years of riding, he has insight and the knowledge on how to do things. But he had to put these on the back burner due to health reasons. Hans please keep up the battle and if you need someone to talk to I am sure our members will be there for you, anytime anywhere.

I would also like to say a big thank you to Big Shane who rode down to our last AGM and to Tamworth from Toowoomba QLD. Shane you are always welcome and I personally would like to thank you for your support and hope to come up to QLD when we get a Chapter starting up there.

There are so many others I would like to thank for making 2009 a very good year for the MMAA in general. Over all we are looking very good.

I thank you all for your attendance here today and wish you all a very safe trip to your home and family.

Michael reminded members that merchandise was available for order for members via the Website

Michael extended an invitation to all interested MMAA members to attend the 3rd Degree of Trevor Capararo (NW NSW) in April 2010.

Michael expressed his thanks to both Trevor and Wendy Capararo for organising such a successful 2010 AGM.

Central Coast/Sydney President:

Gary Duff advised that the CC/S Chapter were going well. Rides were organised and well attended and they also had some prospective members.

TREVOR CAPARARO (Acting President)

Trevor Capararo advised that after a successful beginning, the Chapter had hit a stumbling block. The highlight of 2009 was the April Masonic Visit to Tamworth for his Masonic initiation “1st Degree”. Trevor requested all members interested in attending his “3rd Degree” in April 2010 to RSVP directly to him.


Sydney MMAA Chapter had a rocky start to the year due to issues concerning the re - establishment and re – consecration of lodge Highway where for a while the Sydney Chapter of the MMAA was side tracked toward the tasks of forming a motorcycle lodge in the Sydney region.

Once it was brought to every ones attention that the MMAA was a social motorcycle enthusiasts group consisting of people with a Masonic background and not involved in running or establishing Masonic lodges or any other Masonic business. Resolving this confusion regretfully caused some members of Sydney Chapter to resign.

Sydney Chapter had some well attended and successful rides during the year mostly combined with Central Coast Chapter as currently both chapters suffer a lack of membership.

Sydney Chapter members also attended the Sydney Pink Ribbon ride November 1 2009 which raised close to $40,000.00 to support breast cancer research.

Due to the lack of active members in Sydney Chapter the decision was made at Sydney Chapter meeting held January 25 2010 at Young that unless our membership was boosted and more members encouraged to participate in chapter activities Sydney Chapter would merge with Central Coast Chapter which would result in a strong workable group of about 20 members.

Some suggestions were made for rides etc. which will be looked into by the chapter secretary before Sydney Chapters AGM.

The final decision for this merger will be made at Sydney Chapter AGM which will be held in March 2010.

Victoria President:

Victoria has had a very successful year, and even though there have been a few resignations, we currently have a total number of 20 members in the Victoria Chapter.

We have held 6 General “Breakfast” Meetings throughout the year as well as 5 organised rides which have been well attended.

Our most successful effort has been the donating of $3,500.00 (made up of members donations; chapter funds; a contribution from the MMAA National Body; and a dollar for dollar donation by Grand Lodge of Victoria) to The Wombat’s Wish Memorial Charity and Open Run held in Geelong on Sunday 18 October 2009 . It was well attended and was a very successful day, having a story published both in the local papers and the Freemasonry Victoria Magazine. Our Christmas Function held in November 2009 at the Melba at the Langham Hotel in Southbank was well attended and enjoyed by all.

We are looking forward to another good year with our current Road Captain Chris Packham organising rides.

Grant thanked NW NSW for the organising of the Young AGM and Tasmania Chapter for their company with regard to riding as a group to Young.

General Business:

Regalia Logo re Breast Patch
Terry Webster discussed the proposal to change the MMAA Breast Patch to reflect that we are a national Australian organisation.

After discussion, all members recommended that the MMAA revisit the design of the logo. Terry invited all members to email him with any ideas or suggestions.

Election of Office Bearers:
Michael Lampadarios then declared all positions vacant and passed the Chair to Terry Webster for the election of Office Bearers.

Moved: Hans Gyger
Seconded: Roger Coates
“That Michael Lampadarios be elected National President of the MMAA National Body for 2010.”

Moved: Greg Marshall
Seconded: Bojan Vizintin
“That Roger Coates be elected as National Vice President of the MMAA National Body for 2010.”

Moved: Bojan Vizintin
Seconded: Michael Lampadarios
“That Terry Webster be elected as National Secretary/Treasurer of the MMAA National Body for 2010.”

Moved: Terry Webster
Seconded: Hans Gyger
"That Gary Duff be confirmed as National Road Captain of the MMAA National Body for 2010.”

Moved: Craig Deane
Seconded: Rick Goninon
“That Tony Bruce-Mullins be confirmed as National Communications Officer of the MMAA National Body for 2010.”

Moved: Terry Webster
Seconded: Greg Marshall
“That Michael Lampadarios be confirmed as National Public Officer of the MMAA National Body for 2010.”

Moved: Grant Bates
Seconded: Chris Packham
“That Mal Hurst be confirmed as National Administration Officer* of the MMAA National Body for 2010.”

*National Administration Officer includes purchase/supply of Merchandise & Regalia

Bank Signatories
The incoming Secretary/Treasurer was instructed to organise the removal of Alison Gimbert from the list of signatories to the bank account and add Malcolm (Mal) Hurst to said list.

Michael Lampadarios assumed the role of National President and chaired the rest of the meeting

National Rally 2011:

After discussion, VIC Chapter was appointed to organise the AGM for 2011. Tasmania Chapter offered to tentatively organise a 2011 Easter Rally Run. Rick Goninon would invite all members to attend and those present were asked to indicate their interest in attending by show of hands.

Virginie Norgate and Alan Burton were the lucky winners of the 2 bottles of whisky raffled and donated by Gary Duff (CC/S).

There being no further business the meeting concluded at 11.25am

All members enjoyed morning tea with cakes and biscuits organised by Trevor and Wendy Capararo.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

National Rally - Young, N.S.W. 25 January 2010

The 8th National Rally was held in Young, NSW, with members arriving at the Young Tourist Caravan Park on Saturday 23rd, departing Tuesday 26th. The AGM was held at the Young Masonic Centre on Monday 25th, which enabled our members from Tamworth to attend after their Music Festival had completed.

Victorian Chapter members met with the Tasmanian Chapter members as they disembarked from the Spirit of Tasmania Ferry in Port Melbourne on the Saturday morning, and with Chris Packham (Vic Chapter Road Captain) leading the group, we travelled to Young without incident, but with several fuel stops enabling us to aquaint ourselves.

The majority of Sydney and Central Coast Chapter members also rode down to Young on the Saturday and several others arrived on the Sunday. Shane (Shorn) Mathies rode down from Toowoomba and was there when we arrived, with a fridge full of coldies awaiting us.

Wendy & Trev Capararo rode down on the Sunday and immediately went to work organising the BBQ, which was held that night. Our thanks to them both for their superb efforts in providing the food and some beverages on behalf of their NW NSW Chapter. A couple of local Masons also graced us with their presence at the barbie and I was pleased to see that one of them won the wine raffle.

The AGM was well attended and the elected officers are as follows:-
National President - Michael Lampadarios
National Vice President - Roger Coates
National Secretary / Treasurer - Terry Webster
National Road Captain - Gary Duff
National Communications Officer - Tony Bruce-Mullins
National Membership / Merchandise Officer - Mal Hurst

I would sincerely like to thank Dot Marshall for her exemplary efforts and dilligence in performing her duties as National Secretary / Treasurer over the past years. I am sure that I will be pestering her in the first few months, should I have need of her knowledge and experience, as I take on her duties and responsibilities.

Mal Hurst is a recent addition to our Association who has proven his ability to raise our profile and with him as Membership & Merchandise Officer, I'm sure that we will quickly see positive moves ahead.

Tony Bruce-Mullins has graciously accepted the role of Communications Officer and through him we may look forward to quarterly newsletters with a range of information on activities and events throughout the various States.

To those who attended our get-together, thank you for making the effort. It was great catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. Victorian Chapter will be hosting the 2011 National Rally and details wil be forthcoming as to suggested venues and dates in the next few months.

Till we meet again.....

Terry Webster
National Secretary.

Friday, January 1, 2010



Fellow Brethren, Members, Associates and Friends.
Firstly like to wish you all a very Happy New Year; and wish you all those things you desire and wish for yourself and family.
May you make 2010 a better your for you and your family and for those who come into contact with you thought this coming year.
May you when you’re on the road, stay safe, sit square, ride on the level, stay upright and arrive home safely to you loved ones.
The year 2009 commenced promising much, new committee new Endeavour and much enthusiasm. In many respects this was achieved. We can see from the south many new members have come to the MMAA well done to the hard work in recruiting by a committee members down south. The association is growing and developing. The AGM this year is being organized by our Brothers from the North West in NSW. Please pay your respect to the fine efforts that have been put in to organize what sound to be a fantastic weekend.
This year has seen some departures, and I would like to say thanks to outgoing ex Sydney Chapter president Basil Freedman, and thank him on behalf of all members for the effort and contribution he made whilst he was a member of the MMAA. I wish him well in his new direction.
It is said that no one likes change, and this year was no exception. There are many changes occurring because we want them to change and we are controlling the changes and then there are the changes that occur around us that we have no control of; may I just say the more people are involved and embrace change and seek to submit their input the more everyone can embrace change and move forward together in the one direction.
The people who have put themselves out there to make things happen and try to create social activates for all to enjoy need and welcome your support and input.
From a communications point of view....Can I say and request.....That can every one reading this email today, make a resolution for 2010 that they will respond to any and all emails even if just to say they have received it. If not interested in a ride please say so. The people who try to organize just need input and response. Please to the right things and respond to their efforts, they are just trying to make it better for you.
Recently several of the MMAA members had a few rides in Sydney and Central Coast. We attended the annual Pink ribbon ride. It was out of Club Marconi...What an excellent day. Great fellowship great companions and it was also a very big welcome to Sandra and Chris.
This year saw the Sydney and Central Coast Chapter do a combined Ride to Bombala for an installation. Several Central Coast members have been to this particular lodge several times over the years and have kept regular contact with several bikes riding ex MMAA members. It is hoped that half a dozen members may rejoin the MMAA.
It was a great weekend and I personally look forward to actual seeking to put more of these into my calendar. I am aware we have fellow brethren who are bike enthusiasts in many country regions and look forward to getting on a weekend away to support them when they have installations of a weekend.
So Brethren put the word out to all your old mates lets create a diary of events that any and all can go too. Even if only one or two can make it quite OK, what we need is information to post and invites to members to consider. Look forward to all members being more productive in communicating their activities.

Neal Gardiner
National Communications Officer MMAA Inc.