Sunday, September 26, 2010

25th September 2010 RIDE TO CLIFTON QLD.


Shane (Big Shane) Mathies Installation into the Chair of

Lodge Clifton QLD.

On the 24th of September saw several MMAA Members from Sydney, Central Coast ride up to Tamworth to meet up with other Members from the N.W. (Tamworth) Chapter.

 For a trip up to Clifton QLD. For the Installation of Shane Mathies into the Chair of Lodge Clifton which is located 40k's south of Toowoomba QLD. This is a very old Lodge dating back to 1896.

On the morning of the 25th the 7 of us set off at around 6:30 in the morning.


The trip started off well until Wendy's bike broke down. Turn out the regulator had shorted out and the bike was left behind and we continued the trip with Wendy on the back of Trevor her partner.


The weather held off for us except for the little rain we got after we crossed the border. We arrive at around 3pm and we settled in the Cabins and got duded up for the evenings event. The Lodge tyled at 4pm.


This was the first time any of us from N.S.W. had seen the QLD Installation. We were taken back by the slight deference's.

The South was packed. The meal was fantastic.

After all the Toast's were done. Michael Lampadarios (MMAA National President) and Trevor Capararo (President of the N.W.(Tamworth) Chapter made several presentations on behalf of the M.M.A.A. as a whole to Shane Mathies.


This was comprised of a Bottle of Wine especially Labelled with the MMAA Logo and a set off Cufflinks. This was to express the many thanks for all the support Shane has given to the MMAA over the years, to ride very long distances to our events.

His last big ride was to Windsor N.S.W. for the installation into the Chair of our Good friend Roger (Lizard) Coates which would have taken him more then 13 hours of travel time to get there.  As it took us a good 12 hours to ride back, this also included several stops for fuel and food.

We all had a Great Weekend. Shane also had a Great Night and wishes to thank the MMAA Members for taking the time to go all the way up to Clifton for his Installation.

We were also deeply sorry we could not stay longer and spend time with him but we had to rush back as several members had to get back for work.

I personally would like to thank the following MMAA Members who came to Clifton.


Terry & Neal Gardiner (Sydney Chapter), Trevor & Wendy Capararo (President & Secretary N.W.Chapter(Tamworth), Warren Grills (N.W.Chapter (Tamworth), Gary Duff (President Central Coast Chapter) and myself Michael Lampadarios (National President M.M.A.A. Inc.)

We wish Shane all the best in his time a Master of his Lodge and we know he will do his best as he is a True Mason and a True Human being.


Michael Lampadarios National President MMAA

Friday, September 17, 2010


Dear MMAA Members, Please keep the following date open. It is a Sunday. It’s that time of the year again for us to get together for the 10th Annual Pink Ribbon Motorcycle Ride. Sunday 24th October, 2010 Registrations open 9:00am – Marconi Club, Bossley Park Check out the details at: Phone – 0432 861 261 PO Box 118, Westgate NSW 2040 This Year your registration pack will be available on the day at the Marconi Club, Badge and confirmation posted. Bigger & Better Prizes, try your luck – Dress Up, yourself and your bike – the more effort the bigger buzz! So come and support the Westmead Breast Cancer Institute. Sincerely, Michael Lampadarios National President MMAA Inc. 0449 019 909